Fakultät für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften

Concepts in Soft Matter Physics/Statistische Mechanik weicher Materie

Students interested in taking this course should do the following:

(i) Please let me know that you are interested via a short e-mail to hentschk{at}uni-wuppertal.de including your full name, (if possible) student ID number, and valid contact information (in particular I shall need your e-mail address -which I should have as soon as I receive your first e-mail- in order to communicate information like problem sets, times and dates of class meetings over the internet and more).

(ii) You should listen to two of the video lectures every week beginning during the week of April 12th, 2021. Note that you can find a complete list of all lectures together with supplementary literature when you click on the link 'Concepts in Soft Matter Physics' on the previous page. Problem sets including their due date will be either send to you and/or posted in regular intervals on this page. Hand in the solution in electronic form via my above e-mail address. Ordinarily we shall meet once a week at the indicated time and place to discuss questions regarding the lectures as well as the problem sets. Until further notice I will arrange these meetings over the internet using a suitable software by sending you a link. Aside from these regular meetings you may send an e-mail at any time if you have more urgent questions. If these are questions regarding a lecture, please do not forget to indicate the number of the lecture and possibly the time within the lecture related to your question.

(iii) For CSiS students the final grade in this course will be based on an oral exam focusing on the homework problems. All other students will be graded based on their written homework performance.

Video Lectures